The major revitalisation of Emerton Village Shopping Centre in western Sydney is complete and the new centre re-opened in full to the community on 4 December 2020. Retail specialist, Mainbrace Constructions, delivered the redevelopment for Woolworths on a fast-tracked schedule, while enabling many of the existing businesses to remain open and trading throughout the duration of works.
Stage 1 of the redevelopment included the opening of the expanded, reconfigured and refurbished Woolworths supermarket, several new tenancies, the relocation of tenants who had been trading in temporary locations, new car parks and a new entrance.
Stage 2, which completes the redevelopment, included a new northern façade, new primary entrance, dedicated drive-through pick-up facility, new specialty stores, an external restaurant and cafe precinct, and more car parking.
In all, the redevelopment introduced 13 new tenancies within the centre, seven new food tenancies in the northern dining precinct, and 300 new parking spaces.
Mainbrace was engaged by Woolworths in an Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) capacity, working with the team from the early design stages of the project to ensure the buildability of the design while maximising time and cost efficiencies.
The project was valued at approximately $20 million, with works commencing on-site in February 2020.
Mainbrace Managing Director, Rob Doust, said it has been a collaborative project from the outset and they’ve enjoyed working with key stakeholders to ensure the refreshed Emerton Village will be a convenient, vibrant and comfortable place for the local community to visit for many years to come.
“Despite the constraints of working within a busy operating environment, we safely delivered this complex, largescale redevelopment on a fast-tracked schedule, while minimising disruption to shoppers and businesses throughout the duration of works,” Mr Doust said.