The Australian Institute of Project Management is the peak body for project management in Australia, and for over forty years we have been setting the standards for competency and leading the way in recognising and encouraging best practice. We are the member organisation for Australia with the International Project Management Association (IPMA), and are the sitting Secretariat for the Asia Pacific Federation of Project Management (apfpm).
We represent the interests of project managers across Australia, and are the leaders in project management research, support and advocacy. We are a member-based organisation with over 200 corporate members and 25,000 constituents who share our interests.
AIPM’s role is to improve the knowledge, skills and competence of project managers and related project personnel, all of whom play a key part in the achievement of business objectives – not just project objectives.
The AIPM is the regional leader for project management certification for both individuals and organisations. Individual members can undertake our native RegPM certification program or the IPMA four-level certification program, and organisations can undertake our Project Managed Organisation (PMO) Award. AIPM’s competency-based certification programs all indicate to potential employers and clients that their project management practices have met the rigorous standards of the AIPM.
We offer both members and non-members access to over 200 project management events across the country each year, as well as a database of our Endorsed Courses on our website to assist project managers to move up the value chain and become the next generation of proficient project managers.